Senior Editor

Sigrid Powell Senior Editor AZ Extreme Motorsports Magazine

Sigrid Powell

Hi, I am Sigrid. I am the Senior Editor for our magazine. As well as the editor, I own SkiP Production. It is a graphic design, layout and production company.

Auto Racing Editor

Hal Sanguinetti

Hi, I am Hal. I manage the auto racing portion as well as proofread and write for our magazine. I am an avid drag racer myself. Not only do I race, I also have been found behind the microphone announcing either a drag or motocross race.

Off Road Editor

Scott Spinning

Hi, I am Scott. I usually can be found around the fence of the short course track or in the middle of the desert looking for some great action for my portion of our magazine. You may also see hanging out on the shore of a lake or river take in the action on the liquid quarter mile or at a motocross track, soaking up the action.